Party lights?
Today over on Meh we’ve made the case that anyone who hasn’t outfitted their home with cool smart LED lights by now is really missing the point of being a 21st-century human being. And if those deeply discounted light strips aren’t enough to get you on board with this, we’re going to make one last try with these (also deeply discounted) WiFi LED bulbs.
The great thing about these is that they don’t require a hub or anything potentially annoying like that. You just screw them in wherever you want them, open up the app, and control everything over Wi-Fi. It’s probably the most hassle-free way to make cool lighting happen, especially since they just screw into sockets like regular lightbulbs.
This is also nice because if you want these to be nondescript and just act like regular light bulbs, they can totally do that. Being able to switch back and forth between fancy dinner party ambiance and techno dance party ambiance with a few taps of your phone is a pretty great feature. Your dinner party guests don’t even need to know about the techno party guests (and vice versa).
So even if your cool lighting ambitions are extremely lowkey, this is a deal that can help you ease into the whole thing without a major commitment, technologically (or financially) speaking.
Three bucks a piece!