Stocking up for wiping down
As much as there’s a lot about the last year we’ll be very happy to simply let go away, there are at least a couple of trends and habits which should probably be keepers, like letting meetings that should be emails continue to be emails.
Another one?
Wiping off the horrifying germ cocktails that cling to things we touch.
These six stacks of antibacterial wipes will help you do just that. Keep them where you need them to wipe down germy items and germy hands alike. You know that feeling when you can just tell that there’s something funky and microscopic coating your skin after you’ve touched something? Bam—wipe yourself down. Sniffly kid infiltrates your house and overstays his welcome? Bam—wipe everything down.
Hopefully at some point sanitizing will no longer need to be at the constant forefront of everyone’s minds, but laying waste to invisible ickiness with a quick disposable wipe will always be a nice option to have.
The trick is just to keep ‘em handy. The best way to do that is not with one giant pack, it’s with several little ones.
With today’s deal, you’ll have one for the car and one for the kitchen and one for…you get the idea. Twenty bucks for 480 wipes spread over six convenient packs.
Interested in the science? Perhaps you simply must know the technology behind killing 99.9 percent of germs with a simple wipe? It’s alcohol. Sorry, not the exciting, but yeah alcohol will generally do the trick.
So stock up with today’s deal and be ready for whatever the foreseeable future might bring, germ-wise anyway.