Bringing technology to hair removal
The manufacturer doesn’t make a big deal about it or anything, but we need to point out that today’s deal comes with protective eyewear. This means that, for example, right before you point this thing at some of the most sensitive areas of your body, they would like you to please put on this welding mask. Safety first!
It’s kind of like when the dental tech aims that X-ray cannon directly at your brain and then hides in the other room to pull the trigger. Amazing technology in both cases, but also—yikes.
Whatever, though. We’d lie down in traffic for smoother skin and a well-maintained panty line, so some hyper-intense pulsating light certainly isn’t off the table.
This IPL (Intense Pulse Light, btw) device automatically senses your skin tone and adjusts itself accordingly, blasting away hair in about as impressively modern a fashion as you can imagine. There’s an attachment for using on your face and even a traditional razor if you let yourself achieve scruffiness beyond what this science fiction hair removal tool can handle.
You’re going to love this thing. Just don’t forget to wear your safety equipment. It’s hard to admire your contours if you blind yourself along the way.