Flatware included
Okay, so there are those bento boxes, which are like DIY Lunchables for grownups, right? But since they’re made up up various compartments, you kind of need to prepare various things to put in there.
This is a pain. It’s probably why you either (A) don’t own bento boxes or (B) have never actually used them for anything.
Well check this thing out.
It’ll fill your bento boxes both effortlessly and deliciously. And if you don’t care about bento boxes, this is still a wonderfully self-contained little cooking setup, which you can use for creating lovely, multi-faceted little meals with a minimum of effort, right on down to cleanup.
Plus, if you want to know what this company think about your current level of sophistication, it even comes with a fork and a spoon, meaning that if you’re just moving into an apartment and only have this thing and a TV with a milk crate stand, you’ll still be mostly alright.
What should you cook first? Ramen. A metric shit-ton of ramen to be exact.