Snap into ‘em
No, no. These are the fancy Slim Jims. The ones with the Chile Limón flavoring.
So not only do you get a better deal then when you buy them one at a time from the gas station, you get the fancy taste that you know darn well you wouldn’t seek out unless it happened to land in your inbox just like this deal probably did.
Besides, meat sticks like this are a brilliant way to curb hunger before you make a truly disastrous choice, like binging on a full sleeve of Oreos or emptying a bag of chips. Heck, if all you did was munch on one of these while you were browsing for your DoorDash order, this whole deal would probably pay for itself purely by virtue of the nonsense you’ll end up not adding to the cart after all.
They’re a great tool in your nutritional tool bag, is what we’re saying. Even if they are just Slim Jims.
Lastly, the reason these are only $0.67 each instead of $4 like you’d find in any retailer… is because the best by date is January 16th. You should know though that “Best By” is not an expiration and these will still be more than fine months from now.