Better than pants?
These tights are ready to be your chilly-season cheat code.
Which is actually kind of weird, because you’d think that tights would be terribly insufficient for really cold days, but as everybody who has ever dealt with serious winters will tell you: legs don’t get cold. You can snow blow the driveway in short shorts if you’re properly bundled up on top, and as long as you’re pairing your awesome black tights with something cozy and stylish from the waist up (and maybe some sweet boots or something down low), you’re going to be fine.
These make for a perfect base layer or a fashion statement in their own right. You get a smooth waistline and a streamlined look overall as these gently shape your legs and other potentially squishy parts just so. Technology is amazing.
Anyway, you get four of these, which can probably be your year’s supply of shapely black tights. We’re even going to make sure they come in individual boxes so you can do your best to crack them open one at a time instead of just sacrificing them all to the laundry pile over the course of a lazy week.
Or maybe you’ve got it more together than that. Who knows. Four for $25 either way!