Planning ahead?
There’s a lot happening here for ten bucks.
First of all, you’re going to get an objectively large number of condoms. Except more than just being a pretty robust supply, these are also…good. Premium, even.
For starters, they come in different sizes.
And doesn’t that make all the sense in the freaking world? Of all the things that go on a person’s body, condoms are just about the dumbest thing where we’re willing to settle for “one size fits all” in most cases. (Yes, we know you can buy the big ones that five percent of the male population need and 70 percent of the male population pretends to need…)
Either way, grab your least-sharp-edged measuring device and decide which of these sizes are going to best meet your needs. You won’t regret it.
And there’s more! You also get some lube. If you ever use lubricant like this, you’ll be glad to have it. But if you haven’t? Just trust us when we say that actual lubricant designed for this purpose is about 1000x better than whatever it is you’ve been using instead.
You’ll get eight little packets of it. More than enough to make you a true believer.
Like we said, there’s a lot going on here for $10.
Go ahead and order, then (sincerely) enjoy.