They’re very strong.
Everybody needs cords sometimes.
Prove us wrong on that. If you’ve managed to organize your life in such a way that’s free from cables but you are somehow also reading this right now and not meditating on a mountaintop somewhere, we want to meet you and hear more about it. Consider this an open invitation.
For the 99.999989% of us who aren’t rocking that no-cord life, though, this is the kind you want. Why this one?
It has some features.
One of the features is that there are three of them. One cord is good, but three is much better. It means you can keep your cord where you charge things instead of always bringing the cord to where you need to charge.
They’re also available in this very red color. You’ll always know which cord is yours, because it’ll be the red one. If someone ever borrows it you can dramatically remind them that they are welcome to use your distinctive, easily trackable, and not-to-be-forgotten very red cord which you expect them to return. If you’re weird enough about it, they’ll think of you every time they look at the cord and either return it immediately or move away without warning (in which case it’s a good thing you already have a couple of spares).
Aside from that…they’re just really strong and generally good, which for some reason is more than you can say for most of the cords that actually come with our increasingly expensive devices.
So get yourself some really good cables already, okay?