Rest easy.
Thanks to modern technology, you can have pretty much whatever you want dancing in front of your eyes right before bed. Only for some reason, most of us reach for our phone and then choose to make the thing dancing before our eyes some combination of depressing, anxiety-inducing news and ultra-toxic comment sections where people fight about nonsense. (Or a combination of the two. They call that one “Facebook” last we checked.)
Oh, and there’s also the late-night shows. People use those to go to sleep, too. That also seems like it’s probably bad for your brain.
Whatever your choice of pre-bedtime brain input happens to be, we’re willing to bet that today’s deal is going to treat you much better. You get to drift off to sleep wrapped in the colorful embrace of sparkly starts against a soothing nebula rather than the poorly-spelled comment rants of your least favorite uncle set against questionable news stories from websites you haven’t heard of.
In any case, it’s super relaxing and you can leave your phone on “Do Not Disturb” while you get some proper rest for a change.