Precision portions
You could be weighing your ingredients, you know.
Sure, there’s something to be said for going with your gut and eyeballing the quantities for everything in your recipe, but are you really that talented when it comes to this kind of thing? Especially for something relatively delicate like a baked dessert or whatever, getting the amounts just right can really be the difference between dizzying success and disappointing failure.
Or maybe you just want to know how many servings are actually in your big bowl of blueberries.
Both uses sound plausible and we don’t know your life. But we do know that once you’ve decided that your food prep vibes will be better with a high quality kitchen scale, this is the one to get. You’ll notice that it all looks very clean and elegant, without any nonsense features or distracting gimmicks.
It’s also from Cuisinart, which is always a good sign when it comes to something like this. Oh and it even comes with the bowl, a nice sophisticated bonus that’ll help you get proper use out of this thing.
Retail for these is…kind of a lot. But today? Not so much. We’ll even include the batteries!