On grid or off?
Impulse purchase!
Okay, this probably isn’t an impulse purchase.
But we say that not because it isn’t an impulse purchase price tag for most people. (Though it isn’t.) Rathe,r it’s because you’ve seen this thing go by once or twice on this site before. So maybe this is an impulse, but it’s an impulse that has perhaps been, um…pulsing…for kind of a while now.
Because if your life is at all organized in such a way as to potentially need one of these, now is a great time to get one. Today you’ll get the generator (basically a gigantic power bank), PLUS the solar panel. It’s everything you need to keep your electronics or other electric things going when the power either isn’t working anywhere or perhaps just doesn’t exist where you’re camping or hiding out or living that #offgrid life.
The generator provides the juice and the panel keeps the whole thing going, even when plugging in to recharge isn’t an option.
This is all excellent Energizer brand stuff that won’t let you down. If you’ve shopped around at all (and by all means, feel free), you’ll see quickly that this is a powerful and economical combo for six hundred bucks.
So as far as moderately expensive purchases that you probably weren’t planning for on this particular Saturday, this just might be a great one.