If you need it…
We hope you never need this.
Well, maybe that’s not true. There are probably some plausible scenarios which aren’t apocalyptically bad or anything but still make for a hell of a story.
And, to be clear, “I was stranded out in the woods overnight and survived thanks to pure grit, determination, and a survival tent I got from a daily deal site” is indeed a hell of a story.
So yeah.
This isn’t something you’re necessarily going to want for camping or whatever. It’s more like an emergency pack that you might keep in the trunk of your car, or maybe inside of a bugout bag if that’s a thing that you happen to have.
You get the in-a-pinch survival tent plus a couple of ponchos, all for ten bucks. It’s a heck of a deal, especially when you consider how much you’d be willing to pay for such a thing in some sort of survival scenario where you really need it.
There’s even 20 feet of paracord and a super loud whistle. The tent weighs like half a pound. Just throw one in your bag. You never know.