Lock in this deal.
There are exactly two reasons to avoid having a smart lock at your house.
The first is that you fear all smart stuff and think that technology peaked in 2004. The other is that these things can really be quite expensive.
We can’t help you with the first thing.
But the second?
For the second, we’re all over it.
Because even though these retail for $160 on a good day, we can hook you up with one right now for just fifty bucks. And yes, there are really inexpensive smart locks at a similar (or lower) price point, but for the most part those things go heavy on the “smart” part and light on the “lock” part. So the last thing you want is a deadbolt that has advanced Bluetooth connectivity but is made so cheaply that it’ll fall apart in response to a stern look.
Your new Lockly lock will deliver the best of both worlds, though. Real tech and real hardware, all rolled into one.
Give it a shot. Even if you’re skeptical, maybe try one on the back door. You’ll thank us next time you lock yourself out of the house or need to let the cat sitter in.