Move some air.
Let’s start out with what this fan is not.
It’s not one of those super high end ones that comes from a company that also makes super high end vacuum cleaners and super high end blow dryers. So, no, this isn’t 90+ percent off after coming down from a retail price that looks vaguely like a car payment.
It’s also not one of those oscillating metal fans that you used to make funny sounds into when you were a kid, only occasionally getting your tongue nipped by the blade because kids are idiots.
What it actually is? It’s somewhere in between.
It’s not unbelievably elegant and sleek. But it also isn’t quite like any fan you’ve seen before, either.
It works great and looks pretty nice. There’s a remote, rare with a smaller fan like this. Plus in addition to going back and forth, it’ll also tilt as needed
It’s a pretty versatile little piece of engineering, to be honest.
So grab a fan. Keep that air moving. It’ll be nice now, and downright wonderful later in the year.