More than a pick me up?
We’re not sure if “liquid focus” is genuinely brilliant marketing language or something that would be a minor plot point in some Orwellian cautionary tale, but boy those are some cool words they’ve strung together.
Either way, we’re willing to concede that the branding would be pretty dope if the package itself didn’t look like a cross between Five Hour Energy and travel-sized Mylanta. Really the only question remaining is whether or not it works.
Some of the marketing literature refers to this as a “nootropic smart drink” and in response to that we’re just going to point out that “nootropic” looks like an otherwise legitimate science term that was misspelled by a fifth grader and that we don’t think that the “smart drink” is going to make you any smarter.
Even so, you get a bunch of antioxidants, which is good. You also get some herbs for energy and concentration…and hey, your mileage may vary but some people feel pretty great when they take stuff like that. But even if none of the above does a darn thing for you, we can’t help but notice that each of these contains 150 mg of caffeine, which is about the same as one of those Five Hour Energies we talked about earlier and WAY more than the aforementioned Mylanta. (The caffeine content is right up there with a double espresso, which isn’t nothing.)
The bottom line here is that there’s some stuff in here that might make you feel great. But even if the nootropics and herbs fall short of amazing amid your specific body chemistry and gut biome, you’re at least going to get a no-nonsense dose of caffeine to keep you moving.
Give it a try? 24 for twenty bucks is a very testable price.