More than just light
Flashlights have been a staple of emergency kits pretty much since they were invented. After all, what’s more of an emergency than being stuck in some dangerous situation, in the dark?
Lots of things, nowadays anyway.
Being stuck on the train unable to doom-scroll social media is an emergency. Not being able to summon your Uber to get home is an emergency. Having to mow the lawn alone with the relentless intrusions of your own thoughts is an emergency.
Scary, we know. And all very real scenarios if your phone dies and you don’t have a backup charge.
Today’s deal will be there for you in an old-timey flashlight emergency and it’ll be there for you in a distinctly modern dead phone emergency.
Not only that, but we’re going to send you three of these, meaning you can drop an emergency backup flashlight/powerbank wherever you might need one.
These aren’t designed to charge your phone all day long. They’re designed to fit in your pocket and get you from 0% to something% until you can sort yourself out for the reminder of the day.
So spend ten bucks and have your next few charges at the ready—one in a purse, one in the car, one in the baby’s diaper bag—you get the idea.
Also, when venturing around some (literally) dark corners of the internet, we’ve run across forums that are all about flashlights and we know that some people take flashlight quality very seriously. If that’s you, this combo phone charger flashlight might not meet your weirdly particular standards, but perhaps we could interest you in a more purpose-built flashlight bonus deal.