Pets are messy.
When you’re a pet owner, a lot of companies are competing to sell you various equipment and gadgets to allegedly make your life easier. Often these are…a stretch.
Not today, though. Because you know that when it comes to pet messes, the struggle is real. And the biggest reason that managing all the fluff can be more challenging than it has to be is that we don’t always have the right tool for the job.
This, though? This is the right tool for the job.
It’s really good for pet messes because it’s designed to be really good for pet messes.
We’re not talking about a small pile of cereal or a bit of spilled flour on the floor.
We mean when your cat empties the potted plant or the dog drags some leaf-covered horror show through the front door and starts dismantling it on the carpet.
That stuff.
This has all the power and tech to tackle whatever you (or Mittens) is going to throw at it
Eighty bucks!