Snack better.
Easy and immediate access to junk food isn’t a good thing for most of us. Human evolution hasn’t really equipped us to deal with novelty-flavored popcorn or DoorDash French fries.
Well, fellow snacking human, we’re here to help.
Since cutting out snacking isn’t an option (and you’re a monster if you were about to suggest it), we can at least hook you up with tasty snacks that, you know…actually exist in nature. This is the stuff that ancient hunter/gatherers would gather before they did the hunting part.
You wouldn’t want to attack a sabertooth tiger fueled by a sleeve and a half of special-edition Oreos. And even though your modern day-to-day probably involves less tiger chasing and more squinting at a computer screen, it doesn’t mean you can’t snack a bit more like nature intended.
Everything on today’s list is delicious: roasted and salted and occasionally graced by dried blueberries and cranberries like some sort of prehistoric version of Lucky Charms cereal.
Man, why aren’t nuts more popular?
Oh right: because they can be surprisingly expensive.
Not these, though. Not these nuts. These nuts are not. (See, the marketing writes itself.)
This is a two-pack of your choice for just eighteen bucks, which is probably cheap enough for you to run out and turn a tidy profit on some nut-centric commodities exchange.
Or you could just eat them.
Yeah probably just do that. They’re delicious and won’t leave you feeling like crap.
Nut-based commodities aren’t as sexy as they seem in the movies anyway.